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  • drmmaguire

Men Make Babies Too

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Let talk about MALE fertility!

So often our focus (in healthcare and in the media) is on female fertility, and the male partner is overlooked even though the sperm contribution can be up to 50% of the solution for achieving a positive pregnancy test. What’s more concerning is that male infertility has been steadily increasing over the past 40 years, including the rate of infertility in males younger than age 30. At Peridot, we take male fertility seriously, and we always recommend getting support for both male and female partners when a couple is trying to conceive.

The male patient workup is simple and involves history taking, physical exam and lab work to better understand your case. Causes of male infertility include low sperm count, poor sperm viability/morphology/motility, and impaired sperm delivery, all of which can be impacted by a variety of risk factors. Some of the most common risk factors include: age, genitourinary infections, cancer/treatment, environmental exposure to toxins, substance abuse, obesity, injury, stress, high temperatures, and hormone imbalance.

Support for the male partner typically includes nutritional recommendations, supplements such as antioxidants and lifestyle support that reduces stress, improves sleep, and encourages healthy habits. Men can expect to see improvements in their semen and fertility scores within 8-12 weeks of beginning treatment.

It’s never too early to start thinking about fertility. If you or your partner are thinking about trying to conceive, even if it’s still a year off, we recommend booking a naturopathic appointment to find out more about how we can support both of you.


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