TMJ (Jaw) Therapy

TMD (temporomandibular dysfunction) is a common complaint involving the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) also known as the jaw. Issues related to the TMJ often involve clicking, popping, grinding, clenching, asymmetry, headaches and pain. Issues can affect talking, eating and facial expression. Some clients also experience issues related to the ear such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo (dizziness). It is common to have TMJ issues secondary to stress, concussions, neck pain and issues, dental work.
At Peridot Wellness we take a multidisciplinary multimodal approach to complex issues. Massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture and naturopathic medicine have all shown to be effective at treating various causes of TMJ related pain and headaches.
TMJ focused Services
Massage therapy
Our massage therapists have specialized training in disorders relating to TMJ and neck pain. Massage therapy is an effective way to treat many causes of TMJ related pain.
Treatments are thorough and comprehensive based on your initial assessment and history.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care is effective at treating musculoskeletal disorders including TMJ related pain and headaches. Treatment modalities include soft tissue work, manipulation/adjustments, acupuncture and exercise therapy.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to relax and treat the muscles of the face, neck and jaw. At Peridot Wellness we incorporate acupuncture in several treatment plans including chiropractic care and naturopathic medicine.
Naturopathic medicine can help to get to the root cause of your TMJ related issues by addressing chronic stress, grief, anxiety, and imbalances in the body. Your naturopathic doctor might order additional testing and provide advice based on your unique presentation.
Common symptoms of TMJ related issues:
Stress and Tension • Headaches • clicking • popping • grinding • facial pain • TMJ pain • concussions • Postural dysfunction and pain • Neck pain • locking • facial asymmetries • tinnitus • vertigo • previous dental work or implantations • pain with chewing • facial fatigue •